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"CONTENTMENT" is Not always the fullfillment of what you WANT..it's the REALIZATION of how BLESSED you are for what you already HAVE.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Prayer ♥♥♥

WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'RE IN A MUDDLE, don't you sometimes wish that you could just grow wings and fly away like a bird? You can, you know...

"On the wings of PRAYER, you can soar way up high, above all the mess, the problems and the confusion."

You can't necessarily escape your problems, but you can rise above them and see things from a different point of view. A bird's-eye view, just like when you're in an airplane, and everything down on the ground seems so small, almost insignificant. I can give you spiritual wings that will carry you up above all the problems and help you to see them from proper perspective.

The next time you're in the big mess, or you're feeling confused, or things just aren't working out right. Don't let it frustrate you or drag you down. Flap your wings and take flight. Take some time to get QUIET and PRAY, and you'll rise above it all. Come up here with ME, way up above the trouble and the turbulence, where everything is beautiful and quiet and peaceful.


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